Philosophy in Huddersfield
Philosophy in Huddersfield ( is a hub for all philosophical activity in the town and surrounding area. We aim to encourage community of enquiry groups, courses and workshops in philosophy as well as forming links with other organisations and comunity groups whose work includes philosophical activity.
Leeds Salon | The aim of Leeds Salon is to establish a public forum for debate around contemporary political, cultural and scientific issues and, hopefully, challenge any orthodoxies along the way. |
Literature in Pubs | An informal Liverpool based literary discussion group taking place once a month in the relaxed atmosphere of a good pub! |
News from Nowhere | Liverpool`s Radical & Community Bookshop. |
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Pari Centre for New Learning | A centre for learning in a congenial location where people can think, learn, meet together, carry out their projects, or simply relax and enjoy the surrounding environment. |
Raymond Williams Foundation | In support of the socially and educationally disadvantaged. |
SAPERE | SAPERE is the internationally recognised educational charity that brings together a network of people throughout the UK practising and promoting philosophical enquiry for children and communities, often referred to as P4C. | |
Tales Around The Fire | Tales Around the Fire promotes the oral traditions of story telling, singing and poetry in the magic ambience of firelight, natural acoustics and the keen ear of a supportive audience. |
The Bluecoat | Art & Cultural Centre |
The Duncan Society | The purpose of the Duncan Society is to stimulate debate, discussion and understanding on contemporary issues and policies which affect the health and quality of life of the people of Merseyside and Cheshire. |
The Havant Philosophy Forum |
We are actively seeking new members for this relatively new yet vibrant PiPs group. We treat one subject per month chosen in loose rotation by each member. We are pretty light touch over the choice of subjects, but try to be philosophical in the approach we take to discuss them. We are 6 regular members, but would welcome 2 or 3 more for "safety in numbers" and fresh views. For more details please email the group organiser Eddie via: Our Next Meeting is: 21st Feb 2012 @ 7pm. All Welcome! |
The Long Night (AND Festival) | Art festival - Linking to Liverpool Biennial |
The Philosophical Society | A society which helps to bring together professional philosophers and non-professionals, to bring philosophical ideas and problems to the public attention, and to encourage wider discussion of both traditional and topical philosophical issues. |
Thinkford | Philosophical discussion group in Bradford. Time and place of meeting is The Sparrow Bier Cafe Bradford at 17:30 on the 2nd Monday of every month. Please visit our website for details of past and future meetings. |
University of Liverpool Philosophy Department | The University offers a supportive role in improving our aims with Philosophical dialogue in the community. |
Discussion Circles (Staffordshire)
Pub discussion groups. The Blue Mugge Pub + Lazy Trout. Discussion Circles are discussion groups that meet regularly in pubs. Open to all; everyone who attends is a member; non-party & non-sectarian. Some sessions are based on Melvyn Bragg's Radio 4 programme 'In our Time' (IoT)
Adelphi Hotel
PIP's 2013 National Conference (31st May to 2nd June)