Where people come together in community venues... and share ideas about life's big questions... in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

Keith's Wine Bar (L'pool South)

Address: 107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR

Phone: 07743533509

Times: Tuesday 7:15 PM - 9PM (Weekly)

Upcoming Topics/Events

Topic Proposed Date Time
Assisted Dying ... Open forum 21/01/2025 19:00
107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR
Terrorist or Freedom Fighter? Charlie 28/01/2025 19:00
107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR
Toxic masculinity + Toxic femininity? Paul J 04/02/2025 19:00
107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR
Facing our finitude! Bob 11/02/2025 19:00
107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR
The Wisdom of Insecurity? Sam 18/02/2025 19:00
107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR
Climate change? Open forum 25/02/2025 19:00
Are ordinary individuals morally culpable for global climate change? 107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR
What is Time? Open forum 04/03/2025 19:00
Time has two faces: "objective time" and "lived time". "Objective time" is the time of calendars, watches, and train timetables, while "lived time" is the time of our inner subjective experience. (Henri Bergson) ... 107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR
Memory? Paul 11/03/2025 19:00
The pure present is an ungraspable advance of the past devouring the future. In truth, all sensation is already memory (Bergson) ..... 107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR

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