Where people come together in community venues... and share ideas about life's big questions... in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

Oats & Honey Coffee shop (Monton)

Address: 205 Monton Road,, Monton, Eccles, Salford, Manchester, M30 9PN

Phone: Phone Nicola on 07808 557 354

Times: 7.30pm every First Wed of Month

Notes: 205 Monton Rd, Monford, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PN

Link: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1AVUC_enGB901GB901&tbs=lf:1,lf_ui:10&tbm=lcl&q=Oats+%2B+Honey+Shop+-+Monton,+Manchester&rflfq=1&num=10#rlfi=hd:;si:6570396865092678150;mv:[[53.50405522460918,-2.319121177499519],[53.47801215423458,-2.400831804336385],null,[53.49103568845857,-2.359976490917952],14]

Upcoming Topics/Events

Topic Proposed Date Time
Bread and Circuses! Tom 02/04/2025 19:30
All the people need is bread and circuses - is this quote still relevant? .... 205 Monton Rd, Monford, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PN. All welcome!
Are we being dominated by our growing Insecurities? Vince 07/05/2025 19:30
205 Monton Rd, Monford, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PN... All welcome!
Is Feminism outdated? Trish 04/06/2025 19:30
205 Monton Rd, Monford, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PN... All welcome!
How did we count before numbers? Maggie 02/07/2025 19:30
205 Monton Rd, Monford, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PN... All welcome!
Is it ever okay to not stop for someone in need? Maggie 05/08/2025 19:30
205 Monton Rd, Monford, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PN... All welcome!

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