Where people come together in community venues... and share ideas about life's big questions... in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.


Venue Address Phone  
The Coffee House (Wavertree) 14 Church Rd North, Wavertree, Liverpool, L15 9EF Edna: 07505678469 Schedule
Times: Every 2nd + 4th Thur (7.15pm)
Notes: https://www.trustinns.co.uk/pub/coffee-house-14-church-road-north-liverpool-l15-6tf/
A Pub in Prestwich North Manchester, Estelle: 07882 284 642 Schedule
Times: 19.30 every 2nd Monday
Notes: Estelle: estelle.beninson@yahoo.co.uk
Adelphi Hotel (Liverpool City Centre) Ranelagh Place, Liverpool (City Centre), L3 5UL Venue: National Conference Schedule
Bacchus Bar (Birmingham) Burlington Arcade, New Street, Birmingham, B2 4JH Schedule
Times: 7.30pm start
Notes: We will meet on the first Thursday of every month. The first event will be at Bacchus Bar, Burlington Arcade, New St, Birmingham B2 4JH on Thursday 3rd October.
Bluecoat Art Centre (Liverpool) School Lane, City Centre, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 3BX 07772 575 004 Schedule
Times: 1pm - 3pm (every 2nd + 4th Tuesday)
Notes: Phone Michael on 0151 709 0739 or 07772 575 004
Bohm Dialogue Schedule
Bridport (Dorset) The Woodman, 61 South Street, Bridport, DT6 3NZ Kelvin: 07952 179 850 Schedule
Times: Meets 4th Wed of Month (7.30pm)
Bryn-Y-Mor Pub (Swansea) SA1 4JQ Not Operating Schedule
Notes: The Brynymor Hotel 16 Brynymor Rd Swansea SA1 4JQ
Cafe de flore (Paris) 172 Boulevard Saint-Germain,, 75006 Paris,, France, Paris Philosophy Cafe in English, Schedule
City Group Online (Zoom) Schedule
Commercial Hotel (Wetherspoons) Accrington 1 Church Street, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 2EN Not operating at present Schedule
Committee Meeting Schedule
Continuing Education Canteen Centre for Lifelong Learning, 126 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L69 3GR No course on at present Schedule
Notes: PIP's introduction to Philosophy not running at present
Crosby Beach Burbo Bank Rd North, Hall Road West, L23 8SY Schedule
Times: 6pm till late (when event is on)
Notes: Crosby Beach (Hall Road West) Car Park at corner of Hall Rd West / Burbo Bank Rd North - Park to the far right of car park - lifeguard station end. Walk along footpath or brick/pebble part of beach (approx 500 yds up) Paul 07743 533 509
Death & Life Cafe (The Crown Hotel) (Upstairs), 43 Lime Street, City Centre, Liverpool, Not operating at present Schedule
East Marsh Study Circle Online, Schedule
Eccles Zoom Group Manchester, Schedule
Enquiry Development Schedule
FACT Liverpool 88 Wood Street,, City Centre, Liverpool, L1 4DQ Schedule
Notes: FACT Arts centre - 88 Wood St, Liverpool L1 4DQ
Flanagan's Apple Restaurant/Bar 18 Mathew Street, Liverpool City Centre, Liverpool, Merseyside, L2 6RE 0151 227 3345 Schedule
Times: 7pm
Flanagan's Irish Pub Church Road, Waterloo, Liverpool, L22 5QL Paul T: 0151 721 2355 Schedule
Times: Every Tuesday 6.30pm
Notes: Flanagan's Irish Pub is in Church Road, Waterloo. Turn left out of Waterloo railway station and walk down in the direction of river until you come to the Church Road on your left. Walk down Church Road and the pub is on your right about half way down. All welcome!
Friday Forum (The Belvedere) 8 Sugnall Street,, off Falkner Street,, which is off Hope Street, Georgian Quarter, L7 7EB Corrie: 07421 466 894 Schedule
Times: 1st Friday of the month (2pm)
Notes: Hi everyone, the Friday forum group will now be meeting in the upstairs room of the beautiful small pub, The Belvedere Arms, 8 Sugnall St (off Faulkner Street) about 50 yards along from Papillon on corner of Hope Street. I hope some of you will be able to come. All welcome, Corrie.
Frodsham Community Centre Fluin Lane, Frodsham, WA6 7ON Schedule
Notes: http://centre.frodcomm.org.uk/
Gladstones Library (Deeside) Church Lane, Hawarden, Flintshire, CH5 3DF 01244 532 350 Schedule
Notes: No event at present
Graves Gallery (Sheffield) Sheffield Hallam University, Surrey Street, City Centre, Sheffield, S1 1XZ Schedule
Notes: Sheffield Hallam University - Address: Surrey St, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 1XZ
Great Expectations (Reading) 33 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS Schedule
Times: 3rd Wednesday (7:30pm) https://www.facebook.com/groups/
Notes: http://www.beerintheevening.com/pubs/s/38/3885/Great_Expectations/Reading
Grey Friar (Wetherspoons) Preston 144 Friargate, Preston, PR1 2EJ Billy: 01772780180 Schedule
Times: 7.30pm, every 4th Wednesday
Grimsby PIP's ONLINE: meet.google.com/izn-pkaw-gbj Schedule
Times: 7.30pm
Notes: Grimsby PIP's at: https://pipsgy.wordpress.com/ .... Our next philosophy discussion will be held online at Google Meet ...(Copy + Paste) meet.google.com/izn-pkaw-gbj – Everybody is welcome, so please come along for a chat, or even just to listen.
Grimsby PIP's Reading group Grimsby, Lincolnshire, Contact: billydasein@gmail.com Schedule
Times: 7pm - every 2nd Thursday
Grimsby PIPs Spiders Web pub, 180 Carr Lane,, Grimsby,, DN32 8LN Billy at 07508 047 953 Schedule
Times: 7.30pm every 3rd Thursday
Harkers (Chester) 1 Russel St (On the Canal), Chester, CH3 5AL 0151 538 8432 Schedule
Times: 4pm: 1st Sunday of the month
Heart Centre Cafe (Headingley) Bennett Road, Headingley, Leeds, LS6 3HN Paul: 07743 533 509 Schedule
Times: Every 1st Wed (7pm)
Notes: 0113 275 4548 (venue)
Hertford College (Oxford) Catte Street, Oxford (Philosophy Festival 2018), OXI 3BW Ben - 07815 310 793 Schedule
Huddersfield Online PIPs Huddersfield, Schedule
Times: 7pm
Jack Jones House Churchil Way, City Centre, Liverpool, L3 8EF 07952 944318 or 07891 296646 Schedule
Times: Every 3rd Wednesday - 6pm - 8pm
Notes: Online meeting on jitsi. For details of how to join contact:... study4socialism@outlook.com
Keith's Wine Bar (L'pool South) 107 Lark Lane, Aigburth, Liverpool, L17 8UR 07743533509 Schedule
Times: Tuesday 7:15 PM - 9PM (Weekly)
Lady Lever Art Gallery Port Sunlight, Bebington, Wirral, CH62 5EQ Schedule
Notes: https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/lady-lever-art-gallery#section--whats-on
Lime Kiln (Concert Square) 1 Fleet St (Concert Square), Liverpool, L1 4AN Jim: 0151 538 8432 Schedule
Times: 6.30pm: first Monday of month
Littlebury Hotel (Bicester) Kings End,, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 6DR Schedule
Times: 7:30pm, every first Wednesday of the month.
Notes: For schedule, see https://www.meetup.com/Bicester-Philosophy-Meetup/
Lock & Quay 2 Irlam Road, Bootle, L20 4AH 07886244101 Schedule
Times: Mondays 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Love Lane Brewery (L'pool) 62 Bridgewater St,, Baltic Triangle, Liverpool, L1 0AY 0151 317 8215 Schedule
Times: Meets every 3rd Wed of month (6pm)
Malt Dog (Eccles) 169 Monton Road, Eccles,, Manchester, M30 9GS Schedule
Times: 7.30pm: 1st + 3rd Wed of month
Manchester Armchair Philosophers New Lloyd's Hotel, 617 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, M21 9AN Schedule
Times: 7.30pm, 2nd Tue of month
Notes: This group is meeting regularly - go to Manchester Armchair Philosophers Meetup for more details
Marx Study Group (Online) Jack Jones House, Schedule
McCartney's Bar (Hanover Hotel) Hanover Hotel, 62 Hanover Street, Liverpool City centre, L1 4AF 0151 709 6223 Schedule
Millowners Arms (Sheffield) Alma Street, Kelham Island, Sheffield, S3 8SA Schedule
Times: 7.30pm every 1st Tuesday of month
Notes: https://www.thisissheffield.com/food-and-drink/the-millowners-arms/
Municipal Hotel Bar Dale Street, Liverpool, L2 2DH Schedule
New Continental (Preston) South Meadow Lane, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 8JP 01772 499425 Schedule
New Lloyd's Hotel (Manchester) 617 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Mnchester, M21 9AN, Schedule
Times: 7.30pm
Notes: Manchester Armchair Philosophers Address: New Lloyd's Hotel, 617 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, M21 9AN Times: 7.30pm, 2nd Tue of month Notes: This group is meeting regularly - go to Manchester Armchair Philosophers Meetup for more details Link: https://www.thelloydschorlton.co.uk/
Noahs Yard Bar 38 Uplands Crescent, Uplands, Swansea, SA2 0PG (see notes below) Schedule
Times: May not be operating
Notes: 1. Swansea Philosophy Café - Monthly: Every 2nd Wednesday at Metro Student Bar: Swansea Metropolitan University, Townhill Campus, Townhill Road, Swansea SA2 0UT - FREE
Oats & Honey Coffee shop (Monton) 205 Monton Road,, Monton, Eccles, Salford, Manchester, M30 9PN Phone Nicola on 07808 557 354 Schedule
Times: 7.30pm every First Wed of Month
Notes: 205 Monton Rd, Monford, Eccles, Manchester M30 9PN
Online PIPs Schedule
Online Socrates Cafe (Barcelona) https://www.meetup.com/Socrates-Cafe-Barcelona/, Schedule
Notes: This is an international Meetup group - contact (copy + paste) - https://www.meetup.com/Socrates-Cafe-Barcelona/- for Zoom details - All welcome
Ormskirk PIPs (Online) Schedule
Times: 19.30
Oxford Online (Meetup group) Schedule
Times: 7.30pm: every 2nd Tue of Month
Notes: Every 2nd Tuesday of te month ... Email Ben at:... ben.clark2357@gmail.com
Oxford Philosophy In Pubs (Meetup group) Meetup, Schedule
Times: 7.30pm
Oxford PIP's Reading Group Schedule
Times: 7.30pm to 10pm
Notes: Oxford PIP's Reading Group
Paris Philo Cafe (Online English) https://www.meetup.com/english-cafe-philo-in-paris/,, Michael M: 06 20 877 669 (cell) Schedule
Times: 6pm here (7pm in Paris) .. Every WEDNESDAY, except the first Wednesday of the month."Which is our LIVE day in a REAL café, generally the Cafe de Flore. If you are in Paris, you are welcome ! "
Notes: Apero Philo! The ONLINE Philo Cafe Event ...... Michael M: 06 20 877 669 (cell) ...... 0143544082 (land line) ..... Email: michaelr@muszlak.com ................................ https://www.meetup.com/english-cafe-philo-in-paris/,
Phase One (Liverpool) 40 Seel Street, L1 4BE, Schedule
Times: 1pm: Every Saturday
Notes: Launched In May 2018 by the team behind the Jacaranda, Phase One is, part bar, part coffee-shop, part live event and venue space. 0151 709 1400
Philosophy Cafe (Manchester Art Gallery) Mosley Steet, Manchester, M2 3JL Sue: 0161 833 3944 Schedule
Notes: Sue.Nzilani@silverservice.org.uk
Piazza Cafe Bar (Liverpool) Metropolitan Cathedral Steps, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5TQ Corrie: 07891 887 824 Schedule
Times: 2pm: 2nd + 4th Friday of month
PIP's Desk, Liverpool Nerve Magazine's Office, 96 Bold Street (1st floor), Liverpool, L14HY 0151 709 9948 Schedule
Times: Intermittent
PIP's Online Schedule
Notes: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87663956735?pwd=aS9aNjAvZFUwN0pQeDJCN01DOFVnQT09 ….. Meeting ID: 876 6395 6735 ….. Passcode: EDS
PIP's Online (City group) Schedule
PIP's Online (Keith's Group) Philosophy In Pubs, c/o Nerve Magazine, 96 Bold Street, Liverpool, L1 4HY 07743533509 Schedule
Times: 6.30pm
PIP's Symposium! Schedule
Notes: For anyone interested in or curious about enquiry into enduring questions.,
Port Sunlight Train Station Schedule
Times: 11am
Quids Inn (Isle of Man) 56 Loch Promenade, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 2NA Schedule
Notes: The Original Quids Inn: .... https://g.page/r/CUlKkrZ9XMlOEAE
Ramsbottom (Rose & Crown) Rose & Crown, 96 Carr Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL09EG Rob 07792117730 Schedule
Times: 7:30pm 1st Monday in month
Notes: Our new venue from 1st Monday in December 2017. New members always welcome!
Royal Waterloo Hotel Marine Terrace, Waterloo., Liverpool, L22 5PR Paul T: 0151 721 2355 Schedule
Times: Every Tuesday (6.30pm)
Notes: The Royal Hotel Waterloo, Marine Terrace, Waterloo, Liverpool, L22 5PR ..... We meet at The Royal Hotel Waterloo. It faces the sea and is situated on Marine Terrace which can be approached by driving down Great Georges Road, Waterloo. We are at the bottom of Great Georges Road.
RWF - Zoom meeting Raymond Williams Foundation, Schedule
Notes: Reconstructing Society for a Sustainable Future: The Need for Adult Education and Lifelong Learning.
Saturday at Seven Schedule
Saturday at Seven (international) Philosophy In Pubs International (Online), 07743533509 Schedule
Times: 7pm: every 1st + 3rd Saturday of month
Sean's Zoom course L13 Schedule
Notes: Contact: eddieeddie1968@gmail.com
Sheffield Online (PIPs) Contact Rosie at - sheffieldpip@gmail.com, 1st Monday of month Schedule
Times: 7pm
Notes: https://www.facebook.com/sheffieldpip
Sheffield PIPs Schedule
Shenanigans (Tithebarn St) Schedule
Shenanigans and The Vernon, plus 77 Tithebarn St,, Liverpool, L2 2EN Schedule
Times: 12.00
Ship & Mitre (Downstairs) Schedule
Ship & Mitre (upstairs) 133 Dale St,, Liverpool, L2 2JH Schedule
Times: 7pm Mondays
Notes: Sean Timmins Course: ... (May 2020) http://www.theshipandmitre.com/
Socrates Cafe (Barcelona) Ciutadella Park, Passeig de Picasso, 21, Barcelona, Schedule
Times: 7pm
Notes: Thursday, July 28, 2022 7:00 PM CET Ciutadella Park Passeig de Picasso, 21 Barcelona, CT
Southport PIPs The Bold Hotel, 583 Lord Street,, Southport, PR8 1JR Schedule
Times: 7pm, every 2nd Wed of month
Notes: The Bold Hotel, 583 Lord St, Southport PR9 0EN
Southport PiPs Science Extra Schedule
Spider's Web (Grimsby) 180 Carr Lane, Grimsby, DN32 8LN billydasein@gmail.com Schedule
Times: 7pm
St Georges Hall Lime Street, Liverpool, L1 1JJ Schedule
STAMPS (Crosby) Moor Lane, Crosby, Liverpool, Merseyside, L23 5SR Jubin: 07928 555 123 Schedule
Times: 1st and 3rd Thursday (7- 9pm)
Stapledon Colloquium (Uni of L'pool) School of the Arts Library, 19 Abercromby Square, Oxford Street, City Centre Campus, L69 3BX Schedule
Times: 3pm - 5pm
Storyhouse Library Bar Hunter St, Chester, CH1 2AR 07434938140 Schedule
Times: 1st Sunday of month (4pm)
Notes: Phone Jim on 0151 538 8432
Study Group Jack Jones House, Churchil Way,, Liverpool City Centre, L3 8EF 07952 944318 or 07891 296646 Schedule
Times: Every 3rd Thursday 6pm - 8pm
Talking Allowed in Leeds (Online) Schedule
TalkPlace Schedule
Notes: International Philosophical Cafe online space
Tate Liverpool Albert Dock, Liverpool, L3 4BB Jim: 0151 538 8432 Schedule
Times: 2pm
Notes: Art Turning Left is the first exhibition to examine how the production and reception of art has been influenced by left-wing values, from the French Revolution to the present day.
The Albion Beatnik Bookstore 34 Walton Street, Oxford, OX2 6AA 07737 876213 Schedule
Times: 7:30pm every 2nd Tuesday of month
Notes: Tea, coffee, wine and beer on offer. Necessary purchase to contribute to costs - or donate £2 to owner. For schedule, see https://www.meetup.com/philosophy-in-pubs-oxford/
The Bear & Billet (Chester) 94 Lower Bridge Street, Chester, CH1 1RU 07743 533 509 Schedule
Times: 6pm
Notes: Annual PIP's enquiry for staff and students of The University of Chester's Art & Design faculty
The Belvedere Arms (Liverpool) 8 Sugnall Street (off Falkner St), Georgian Quarter, near Hope Street, L7 7EB Corrie Lowry (07421 466 894) Schedule
Times: 2pm 1st Friday of month
Notes: Real fire; real ale; real people.
The Black Horse (Heswall) 38 School Hill, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 0DP Contact Paul: 07743 533 509 Schedule
Times: Every 2nd Tue of Month (7pm)
Notes: https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Restaurant_Review-g1096782-d12143313-Reviews-The_Black_Horse-Heswall_Wirral_Merseyside_England.html
The Black Horse Hotel (Preston) 166 Friargate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 2EJ Billy: 07548 126 499 Schedule
Times: 7.30pm (4th Wed of the month)
Notes: This Grade II listed pub is pretty unique inside, with a tiled bar front that the bar man told us was over 120 years old - it's almost worth a visit just to see this magnificent edifice. A maze of snugs, private rooms and nooks and crannies, it's marvellous and great place to get lost for an afternoon, should the spirit move you.
The Black Toad (Hoylake) 32 Market Street, Hoylake, Wirral, CH47 2AF Paul: 07743 533 509 Schedule
Times: 2pm every 2nd + 4th Thursday
Notes: Micro-pub and bottleshop in Hoylake specialising in craft beer and cask ale: 32 Market Street, Hoylake, Wirral, CH47 2AF. (2pm start! - All welcome!)
The Blue Bell (Eccles) 41 Monton Green, Eccles, Manchester, M30 9LL Nicola: 07808557354 Schedule
Times: 7.30pm: every 3rd Wed
Notes: The Blue Bell, a village hostelry with a rustic-style interior and patio area, plus real ales and modern pub grub. All welcome!
The Blue Mugge (Leek) 17 Osborne Street, Leek, Staffordshire, ST13 6 01538 528 178 Schedule
Times: Weekly Mondays @ 19:30
Notes: Discussion In Pubs Groups - Staffordshire http://www.thebluemugge.co.uk/
The Bold Hotel (Southport) 583 Lord Street,, Southport,, PR9 0EN Schedule
Times: Every 2nd Wed of Month (7pm)
Notes: The Bold Hotel, 583 Lord St, Southport PR9 0EN. We will be in the left hand seating area of the bar.
The Bookbinder (Lark Lane) 2 Lark Lane, Sefton Park, Liverpool, L17 8US Schedule
Times: Tuesday 7.15pm
The Brewery Tap 40-42 Ock Street, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 5BZ Schedule
Times: 7pm, second Wednesday of each month.
Notes: For schedule, see https://www.meetup.com/Abingdon-Philosophy-Meetup/
The Brewery Tap (Liverpool) Stanhope Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L8 5XJ Vinnie: 07795 285 080 Schedule
Times: 5pm
Notes: Next to the Cains Brewery
The Brink (Parr Street) 15-21 Parr Street, City Centre, Liverpool, L1 4JN 0151 703 0582 Schedule
Times: 7pm
Notes: The Brink is an innovative new social enterprise, just on the edge of Liverpool's bustling bar and club scene. You could say we're also on the leading edge of an exciting trend, in that we don't serve alcohol - we believe a great time is better fuelled by people, and their creativity and energy.
The Caledonia (upstairs) 22 Caledonia Street, On the corner with Catherine Street, Liverpool, L7 7DX Sean: eddieeddie1968@gmail.com Schedule
Times: Mondays: 7pm - 9pm
Notes: 86/80/74/75 Bus Routes stop close to the pub on Catharine Street and Myrtle Street. Parking on street and free after 6pm.
The Casa Bar (Liverpool) 29 Hope Street, Liverpool (City Centre), L1 9BQ Paul: 07743 533 509 Schedule
Times: 11am every 2nd Saturday
The Cock Hotel (Wellington) 148 Holyhead Road, Wellington, Telford, TF1 2DL Schedule
Times: 2nd Wed of the month at 7pm
Notes: The Cock Hotel PIP group will now be meeting on the second Wednesday of the month, with just the odd change of date when we can't book the room
The Coffee House (Young PIPs) 14 Church Road North, By Picton Clock, Liverpool, L15 9EF Mike : 07311650399 Schedule
Times: 7.30 pm.
The Cross Keys (Leeds) 107 Water Lane, Leeds, Ls11 5WD Schedule
Times: 2pm
Notes: The Cross Keys 107 Water Lane Leeds LS11 5WD 0113 831 3156 info@thecrosskeysleeds.co.uk
The Cumberland Arms (Newcastle) Ouseburn, Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1LD 0191 265 1725 Schedule
Times: 6 to 8pm (2nd + 4th Tue)
Notes: JanetDarbyshire Runs the Newcastle PIP as part of NPS - Newcastle Phil Society. janetd42@hotmai
The Darlaston Inn (Meaford) Nr Stone, Staffordshire, ST15 0PX 01785 813 267 Schedule
Notes: http://www.oddc.org.uk/index.html (Staffs Circle)
The Dee View Inn (Heswall) 2 Dee View Road, Heswell, Wirral, CH60 0DH Schedule
Times: Every 1st Tuesday of the month (7pm)
Notes: The new/newly reformed Heswall group's next meeting will be on Tuesday 6th August at 7 pm, at the Dee View Inn - all welcome!
The Dispensary (Liverpool) 87 Renshaw St,, Liverpool City Centre, L1 2SP Jimmy: 01515388432 Schedule
Times: 7pm Mondays
The Dog & Partridge (Sheffield) 56 Trippet Lane, Sheffield, S1 4EL Contact Rosie at - sheffieldpip@gmail.com Schedule
Times: Usually meets 1st Mon of month (7.45pm)
The Evening Enquiry The Vernon Arms, 69 Dale Street, City centre, Liverpool, L2 2HJ Mike: 07961 676 714 Schedule
Times: Last Wednesday of the month 7pm
Notes: THIS IS A NEW ENQUIRY GROUP - The Vernon Arms, Dale Street, City Centre. A laid-back, traditional alehouse featuring a selection of beers
The Exchange (Leicester) 50 Rutland Street, Cultural Quarter, Leicester, LE1 1RD Contact Arran on: arran.stirton@gmail.com Schedule
Times: 7.30pm: every 1st Wed of month
Notes: We will be meeting there in The Snug every first Wednesday of the month. We'll be starting at 7.30pm, so please give yourself time to buy a drink beforehand. If you have a suggestion for a topic or stimulus for discussion, please contact Arran (arranstirton@gmail.com). The Exchange, 50 Rutland Street, Leicester LE1 1RD
The Farm Tavern 13 Farm Road, Hove, BN3 1FB Schedule
Times: 7pm
Notes: We meet roughly every four weeks, currently trying out different days of the week, at the The Farm Tavern, Hove. Normally around 15 - 25 people attend.
The Fat Cat (Sheffield) Alma Street, Sheffield., S3 8SA Schedule
Times: 7.30pm every 1st Tuesday of month
Notes: There's a new venue for the regular Sheffield Philsophical Enquiry in the Pub session: The Fat Cat, Alma Street, S3 8SA.(7.30pm) We meet upstairs the function room, which is good accessibility for those with hearing issues (no background noise), but not good for anyone who can't easily get up stairs. Start time 7.30pm - get a drink at the bar before you come up. All welcome
The Fat Pug (Leamington Spa) 23 Guy 's Cliff Road,, Leamington Spa, CV32 5BZ, Schedule
The Friday Forum The Piazza Cafe, Bottom of Catholic Cathedral Steps, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool City Centre, L3 5TQ 07421 466 894 Schedule
Times: Meets every 2nd + 4th Fri of month
Notes: Corrie: louiselowry333@gmail.com
The Great Expectations (Reading) 33 London Street, Reading, RG1 4PS Schedule
Notes: 33 London St, Reading RG1 4PS
The Green Room (International) Ronald Green, Schedule
Times: 6pm
Notes: Ronald Green, philosopher, linguist, university lecturer and ESL teacher, with 13 ESL books published, has lectured and given workshops in Europe, North and South America and the Middle East on linguistics, ESL and the use of the Internet in education.
The Greyhound (Newcastle-under-Lyme) 67 George Street, Newcastle-under-Lyme, ST5 1JT Schedule
Times: Not operating at the moment
Notes: Local Contact: michele.a.bourne@gmail.com
The Greyhound (Ormskirk) 100 Aughton Street, Ormskirk, L39 3BS 07743533509 Schedule
Times: Meets every 3rd Thur of month (7.30pm)
The Grove Inn (Leeds) Back Row, Holbeck, Leeds, LS11 5PL Schedule
Times: 2pm, every 3rd Monday of month
Notes: Traditional pub, open since 1832, with hearty eats, real ales & live music, including a folk night........... http://thegroveinnleeds.co.uk/live-music/
The Internet Arms Earth, L13 4AP +447743533509 Schedule
The Island Cafe/Bar (Sheffield) Kelham Island,, Sheffield, S3 8RY Schedule
Times: 7.30pm (1st Mon of month)
Notes: https://www.facebook.com/themillownersarms
The Jam Factory (Oxford) Holly Bush Row, 27 Park End Street, OXFORD, OX1 1HU Schedule
Times: 7.30pm to 9.30pm
The Jug and Bottle (Heswell) 15 Mount Avenue, Wirral, CH60 4RH Paul: 07743 533 509 Schedule
Times: Every 2nd Tuesday of month (7pm)
The Lower Red Lion (St Albans) 36 Fishpool Street, St Albans, AL3 4RX Schedule
Times: 7pm
Notes: 36 Fishpool St, St Albans AL3 4RX
The Magazine Hotel Magazine Brow, Wallasey, Schedule
The Melting Pot Cafe (Redruth) The Old Grammar School (West Park), Redruth, Cornwall, TR15 3AJ Schedule
Times: Meets 1st Wed of month 5pm
The Mitre 17 The High Street, Oxford, OX1 4AG Schedule
The Oddfellows Arms (Wellington) 65 High Street, Wellington, Shropshire, TF1 1JT Paul: 07743533509 Schedule
Times: 7pm - 1st Sun of the month
Notes: Contact Bryony Pierce - bryonypierce@btinternet.com
The Old Courts (Wigan) Gerrard Winstanley House, Crawford Street, Wigan, WN1 1NA Paul Halfpenny: 07791 794 647 Schedule
Times: Every last Thursday (7.15pm)
The Ostrich Hotel (Prestwich) 163 Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 1JF Esther: 07882 284 642 Schedule
Times: Meets 8pm every 2nd Monday
The Pack Horse (Leeds) Pack Horse, Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6AT Schedule
Times: 6pm every 2nd Wednesday
The Park Tavern (Macclesfield) 158 Park Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 6UB Schedule
Times: Not operating at the moment
Notes: The Park Tavern pub is on park Lane about a fifteen minute walk from the train station.
The Perch Rock (New Brighton) 7 Grosvenor Rd (Victoria Road), Wallasey, The Wirral, 5 Charlton Road, CH45 2LW Paul: 07743533509 Schedule
Times: Meets every 3rd Mon of month (7pm)
Notes: Contact Andrew on: amyns42@yahoo.co.uk
The Plough Inn (Herefordshire) A465, Stoke Lacy, Bromyard, HR7 4HG 07580215641 Schedule
Times: 8pm: 1st Wed of month
The Queen Hotel (Chester) City Road, Chester, CH1 3AH Jim: 0151 538 8432 Schedule
Times: 1st Sunday of month (2pm)
Notes: Mike: 07814 854 270 (Chester)
The Red Lion Hotel bar (Luton) 2 Castle Street, Luton, LU1 3AA Schedule
Times: 7.30pm (Tuesdays)
Notes: The Red Lion Hotel: 2 Castle St, Luton, LU1 3AA.
The Rose & Crown (Bebington) 57 The Village, Bebington, Wirral, Merseyside, CH63 7PL martin.esplanade@ntworld.com Schedule
Times: Meets every 1st + 3rd Wed of month (1pm)
Notes: The Rose & Crown, a popular community pub: 57 The Village, Bebington, Wirral, Merseyside, CH63 7PL ..... Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month ... All welcome!
The Royal Clifton Hotel (Southport) Southport, PR8 1RB​. Schedule
Times: Meets every 1st + 3rd Wed of the month (7pm)
Notes: At Southport PiPs we discuss and debate a variety of issues including philosophy, science, politics and psychology. No academic background is necessary - only a passion for enquiry. ​Just turn up, and contribute if you wish to.
The Royal Exchange (Cardiff) 79b Ty-Mawr Rd,, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, CF14 2FQ Email: cf14pip@gmail.com Schedule
Times: 7pm:
Notes: PiPs will meet at The Royal Exchange 79b Ty-Mawr Rd, Cardiff CF14 2FQ - A local back street pub with a great sense of humour, sought out by Taff Trail Walkers. A community pub - Contact Jan and Russell via email cf14pip@gmail.com
The Saddle Inn (Chester) 21 Grosvenor St,, Chester, CH1 2DD 01244 324022 Schedule
The Saracen's Head (Stockton Heath) Wilderspool Causeway, Warrington, WA4 6RS Bill: 01925 564908 Schedule
Times: Meets every 2nd Mon of month (7pm)
Notes: https://www.google.com/search?q=The+Saracen%27s+Head+(Warrington)&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB798GB798&oq=The+Saracen%27s+Head+(Warrington)&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j69i64l3.1284j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
The Ship & Mitre (upstairs) 133 Dale Street, Liverpool City Centre, L2 2JH Schedule
The Sportsman (Huddersfield) 1 St Johns Road, Huddersfield, HD1 5AY Schedule
Times: 7pm. every 1st Monday of month
Notes: Contact: huddersfieldpips1@gmail.com
The Spring Arts & Heritage Centre Havant, Hampshire, PO9 1BS Schedule
The Stag Bar Victoria Rd, New Brighton, Schedule
The Telegraph Mount Pleasant Rd, Wallasey, Schedule
The Vernon (LIPs) 69 Dale St,, Liverpool City Centre, L2 2HJ Schedule
Times: 3rd Monday of month (6.15pm)
Notes: Email Jimmy at jsjimstan@gmail.com
The Vernon Arms (City Group) 69 Dale Street, City Centre, Liverpool, L2 2HJ Paul: 07743 533 509 Schedule
Times: Mondays 1:15pm (Weekly)
Notes: The Vernon Arms: Laid-back traditional alehouse featuring a selection of beers & plentiful comfort food plates.
The Victoria Art Gallery + Museum Brownlow Hill, University of Liverpool, Schedule
The Vines (The Big House) 81 Lime Street, By Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool City Centre, L1 1JQ 07743533509 Schedule
Times: Mondays 2:15pm (Weekly)
The Walker Art Gallery (Liverpool) William Brown Street, Liverpool, Schedule
The Waterside Hotel (Warrington) 1430 Centre Park Square, Park Boulevard,, Warrington, WA1 1PR Ring Bill on 07754 608 592 Schedule
Times: 2nd Mon of month (7pm)
Notes: 1430 Centre Park Square, Park Blvd, Warrington WA1 1PR
The West Kirby Tap Grange Rd, West Kirby, Schedule
The White Hart (Oxford) 12 St Andrews Road, Oxford, OX3 9DL Ben: 07815310793 Schedule
Times: 7.30pm Every 1st Wed of the month
The Woodman 61 South Road, Bridport, DT6 3NZ Schedule
Times: 7pm, every 4th Wednesday of the month
Notes: 61 South St, Bridport DT6 3NZ
The Woodthorpe (Prestwich) Bury Old Road,, Prestwich, Manchester, 7.30pm: 2nd Monday of month, M25 0EG 07743533509 Schedule
Notes: Contact: estelleb@talktalk.net Or estelle.beninson@yahoo.co.uk
The Yarborough Hotel (Grimsby) 29 Bethlehem Street, Grimsby, Linolnshire, DN31 1JN Billy at 07508 047 953 Schedule
Times: 7pm; Thursday (twice a month)
Thomas Rigby's (Liverpool) 23 - 25 Dale Street, Liverpool City Centre, L2 2EZ Mike: 07961676714 Schedule
Times: 7.30pm every fourth Wednesday of Month.
Notes: A great real ale pub, dating back to 1726, feel the history as you walk in - 23-25 Dale Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L2 2EZ. All welcome ...
Warrington Philosophy in Pubs The Waterside Hotel, Park Boulevard, Warrington, Schedule