Where people come together in community venues... and share ideas about life's big questions... in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

Bacchus Bar (Birmingham)

Address: Burlington Arcade, New Street, Birmingham, B2 4JH

Times: 7.30pm start

Notes: We will meet on the first Thursday of every month. The first event will be at Bacchus Bar, Burlington Arcade, New St, Birmingham B2 4JH on Thursday 3rd October.

Link: https://www.meetup.com/philosophy-in-pubs-pip-birmingham/

Upcoming Topics/Events

Topic Proposed Date Time
Is Morality Universal or Shaped by Society? Chris 09/01/2025 19:30
Bacchus Bar - Burlington Arcade, New Street, Birmingham, B2 4JH.... What determines our sense of right and wrong? Are moral values timeless principles that apply universally to all humans, or are they constructed and shaped by cultural, social, and historical contexts? All welcome!

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