Where people come together in community venues... and share ideas about life's big questions... in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.

Manchester Armchair Philosophers

Address: New Lloyd's Hotel, 617 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, M21 9AN

Times: 7.30pm, 2nd Tue of month

Notes: This group is meeting regularly - go to Manchester Armchair Philosophers Meetup for more details

Link: https://www.thelloydschorlton.co.uk/

Upcoming Topics/Events

Topic Proposed Date Time
Words Stuart 30/07/2024 19:30
It's only words, and words are all we have (to take your heart away) Come and join us at the Lloyds pub to explore the meaning of plays, songs, philosophy and media. Led by Stuart. New Lloyds Hotel, 617 Wilbraham Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester, M21 9AN

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